Nivedita Ashok Pingle, M.B.B.S., M.Sc., is a yoga therapist and the founder of the Millennium Concept, a yoga therapy clinic. Since 1998, she has assisted over 3,000 patients with yoga therapy to control chronic disorders especially affecting lT professionals, such as cervical spondylosis, lower back pain, stress, carpal tunnel syndrome, heart disease, and diabetes. She holds a Bachelor of Medicine from Shivaji University, a Master of Science in clinical psychology, and has studied under Yoga Vidnyan Visharad (master in yoga therapy) at Kabir Baug Sanstha, a yoga therapy center in Pune, Maharashta, India. As a lecturer in modern medicine, she instructed postgraduate students in the correlation of Western medicine with the practice of yoga for therapeutic and restorative benefits. At Kabir Baug, Dr. Pingle conducted regular teaching programs for yoga teachers from 1998 to 2004 and has lead several teacher training courses, workshops, and classes involving yoga anatomy and physiology and restorative and therapeutic yoga in Thailand, Mexico, and Rishikesh, India.