Jacoby Ballard is a white trans queer person working to support and nourish local and national social change work through yogic and Buddhist practices, herbalism, and political education, as well as educating and organizing embodied and contemplative communities in social justice practices and participation in movement building. He is a co-founder of worker owned cooperative Third Root Community Health Center in Brooklyn, and co-founder of Bending Towards Justice, an organization that leads anti-oppression workshops and consultations for yoga communities, and leading teacher at Adhikara Yoga School in Western Massachusetts. Jacoby speaks on college and high school campuses, leading collective care, transformative leadership, and resilience workshops for campus activists, leaders, and queer communities and consults with organizations looking to either build more justice or more spiritual practice into their organization. For the past 5 years, Jacoby has been on the Advisory Board of the Yoga Service Council and on Faculty with Off the Mat, Into the World. Jacoby is a writer whose work can be found in Yoga, the Body, and Embodied Social Change, Real World Mindfulness for Beginners, and Yoga Rising. His first book is forthcoming.