Teacher Qualifications
THE CONVERSATION: What qualifications are necessary to be a yoga teacher? What prerequisites, if any, should there be to take a yoga teacher training with the goal of becoming a yoga teacher? Is the current 200hr/500hr system sufficient? Do we need more hours? Different levels?
Nearly all yoga professionals and
As we saw via our 12,000-respondent survey, 75% of practitioners agree that between 200 and 300 hours of training should be sufficient to realize proficiency as a foundational yoga teacher. Read more here.
Through the working group specific to Teacher Qualifications, a few recommendations that “rose to the top” include:
- 200hr Registered Yoga Schools (RYSs) should be referenced as “foundational” training while 300/500hr RYSs should be referenced as “professional” training
- 200hrs could and should be enough for a foundational training if the quality of content and competencies is there as well as an appropriate level of accountability
- All RYSs should conduct assessments, including practicum exams, as prerequisites for graduation, and all hours of an RYS 200 should be contact
- Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) status should not be automatically granted
- Yoga Alliance should educate the public on RYSs
To learn more about this working group’s recommendations, please download the Teacher Qualifications Working Group Paper here. As a reminder, Yoga Alliance brought together a diverse spectrum of expert advisory voices to maximize the perspectives and resources within this area of inquiry. They represented one stream of input in the process, albeit an important stream. We thank them for their participation and dedication.
Note: these working group papers provide expert recommendations to Yoga Alliance and the yoga community for consideration as the Standards Review Project continues. They are not prescribed actions but rather insights from an experienced and dedicated group of subject matter experts. They were written by an independent third party. At this point in time, no decisions have been made regarding standards updates, and we welcome and encourage your feedback and comments regarding the entirety of the SRP process.